Why you're staying in that job you hate (feeling stuck in a job you don't like)

May 03, 2023
Career clarity

Are you one of those people who wake up every morning dreading going to work? Do you find yourself complaining about your job, yet you have been working there for months or even years? If your answer is yes, then you are not alone. Many people stay in jobs they hate, and the reasons why are as varied as they are unique…

In this article, we’re going to explore some of the reasons why people continue to stay in jobs they hate, even when they know that it's not good for them. We will also look at the possible solutions to help you escape the job that is slowly killing your soul πŸ€ͺπŸ˜…

Why do people stay in jobs they hate?

People stay in jobs they hate for different reasons. Some are afraid of change, while others fear that they won't be able to find another job. Some people stay in jobs they hate because of financial obligations, while others stay because they are comfortable and familiar with their current job.

The truth is, staying in a job that you hate can have negative effects on your physical and mental health. It can lead to burnout, depression, anxiety, and a host of other health problems. So, why on earth do people continue to stay in such jobs, when that can be the outcome? 🀯

Reason #1 why people stay in jobs they hate: Fear of the unknown

One of the main reasons why people stay in jobs they hate is because of the fear of the unknown. They are afraid of leaving their current job and venturing into something new. They fear that they won't be able to find a better job or that they may not be good enough for another job (hitting home, anyone?!).

It's important to note that the fear of the unknown is normal, but it shouldn't stop you from pursuing your dreams. You may not know what the future holds, but you can take steps to ensure that you are prepared for any eventuality.

Reason #2 why people stay in jobs they hate: Financial obligations

Another reason why people stay in jobs they hate is because of financial obligations. They have bills to pay, and they feel like they cannot afford to quit their job. This is especially true for people who have families to support or are striving towards certain goals like homeownership.

If you are in such a situation, you can start by looking for ways to supplement your income. You can start a side hustle or look for freelance work. It's also important to start saving money so that you can have a financial cushion when you eventually decide to quit your job.

Reason #3 why people stay in jobs they hate: Comfort and familiarity

Some people stay in jobs they hate because of comfort and familiarity. They have been in the job for so long that they have become comfortable with the routine. They know what is expected of them, and they don't have to worry about learning new things.

However, staying in a job that you hate just because it's comfortable and familiar is far from healthy. It can lead to a lack of motivation, which can affect your productivity and overall performance - plus how boring over the course of your career?!

Reason #4 why people stay in jobs they hate: Lack of self-confidence

Some people stay in jobs they hate because they lack self-confidence. Brutal, but true. They don't believe in their abilities, and they fear that they may not be able to find another job. This lack of confidence can be due to past experiences, negative feedback, or a lack of support from family and friends.

While easier said than done, it's important to remember that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. You may need to work on your confidence levels, but it's definitely possible to overcome this fear and find a job that you love πŸ–€

Reason #5 why people stay in jobs they hate: Job security

Job security is another reason why people stay in jobs they hate. They fear that if they leave their current job, they may not be able to find another one. This fear is not entirely unfounded, especially in a tough job market. However, there are certainly ways to limit this fear (for example, landing a new job prior to quitting).

Reason #6 why people stay in jobs they hate: The grass is always greener

Another reason why people stay in jobs they hate is because they believe that the grass is always greener on the other side. They think that a new job will be better than their current one, only to find out that it's not. This can be due to unrealistic expectations or a lack of understanding of what the job truly entails or what the work environment is like.

It's important to do your research and make informed decisions when it comes to changing jobs. Don't make the mistake of leaving your current job just because you think that the new one will be better. In saying that, if your current job is bringing you misery, it’s definitely time to move on - just make sure you do so strategically so you don’t end up in a similar situation.

Reason #7 why people stay in jobs they hate: Lack of passion

Some people stay in jobs they hate because they don't have a passion for what they do and don’t see the point in applying for a new job with their skillset (in a similar field). They may have taken the job out of necessity or because it was the only job available at the time, and now feel like their skillset limits them to a certain role or industry. This lack of passion can lead to a lack of motivation, which can affect your overall job performance.

If you are in this situation, it's important you do the deep work to discover your interests, drivers, and motivations. Once you unlock clarity on what you want from your career and set a direction, you can start looking for jobs that align with your interests.

Reason #8 why people stay in jobs they hate: Fear of rejection

Fear of rejection is another reason why people stay in jobs they hate. They fear that if they leave their current job, they may not be able to find another one. This fear can be due to a lack of confidence, negative past experiences, or a lack of support from family and friends.

It's important to remember that rejection is a normal part of life. You may not get every job you apply for, but that doesn't mean that you will never find a job. Rejection is re-routing you to more aligned opportunities and is a great learning experience. Keep applying and keep trying, and eventually, you will find a job that is a good fit for you.

How to get out of a job you hate and move towards doing work you love?

If you are in a job that you hate, don’t let it take over your life - you need to take action. Here are some things that you can do to move towards doing work you love:

  1. Assess Your Situation: Take a moment to assess your situation. Why do you hate your job? Is it the work, the people, or the company culture? Once you identify the problem, you can start looking for solutions.
  2. Consider Your Options: Do you want to stay in the same industry or try something new? Would you be willing to relocate or work from home? Consider all your options before making a decision.
  3. Start Networking: Networking is a great way to find new job opportunities. Attend job fairs, join professional associations, and connect with people on LinkedIn.
  4. Update Your Resume: Make sure that your resume is up-to-date and tailored to the job you are applying for.
  5. Start Applying: Once you have identified the job that you want, start applying. Don't be afraid to apply for jobs that may be a stretch for you. You never know what opportunities may come your way. Need tips on crafting a stand-out application? Catch my free resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn training!

Ultimately, people stay in jobs they hate for a variety of reasons. Whether it's financial stability, fear of the unknown, lack of skills or experience, or societal pressures, it's important to understand that staying in a job that doesn't make you happy can have serious consequences for your mental and physical health. While it may be challenging to make a change, it's important to prioritise your own well-being and happiness. Don't let the fear of the unknown hold you back from pursuing a career that truly makes you happy. Remember, life is too short to be unhappy at work. So, take the leap of faith and start working towards a career that makes you excited to wake up every day.

My free career clarity mini-course can help! Inside, you’ll learn to design your career on purpose for more fulfilment in just 3 weeks. Tap on the image below to learn more and get started πŸ‘‡

Stay Badass,

Rosie x

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